T’sé (2024)Total Reality (2023)World of Echo (2022)The Deep, or, Sketches on Sounding (2022)
This Place Must be the Place; On Living in the Internet (2021)La la la, la la la la la (2020)Unnique (2021)COVID19-AR (2020)Everyonce Exhibition Pamphlet (2019)Nothing Connects us but Imagined Sound (2019)Lossy Relay w/ Bethany Ides (2018)Unbecoming Animal (2016)Unsettling the World Soundscape Project (2015)Speaking of Animals & Unbecoming Animal, Intercalations (2015)
Transparent Listening: Soundscape Composition’s Objects of Study (2010)
The Recording that Never Wanted to be Heard and Other Stories of Sonification w/ Jonathan Sterne (2011)